Best Available Rate (BAR), also known as Best Rate Guarantee assures our guests que quoted are the lowest available rate for each night.

Hotel Avenida PalaceHotel Avenida Palace

Café e Chás / Coffee and Tea


Café espresso / Expresso coffee 4,00 €
Café Americano/ Americano coffee 5,00 €
Café duplo / Double coffee 7,00 €
Flat White 8,00 €
Café descafeinado / Descaffeinated coffee 4,00 €
Café com leite / Coffee with milk 5,00 €
Caffè latte 6,00 €
Cappucino 6,00 €
Chocolate quente / Hot chocolate 6,00 €
Chás / Tea 4,00 €
Chás kusmi / Kusmo tea 6,00 €
Leite simples / Plain milk 3,00 €

Chás do Palace – Palace Tea

Chá Kusmi: 6.00€

Chá preto – Black Tea

Earl Grey
(Chá preto c/citrinos e bergamota – citric black tea with bergamot)

English breakfast
(Mistura de chás pretos Asiáticos (Assão e Ceilão) – Blend of black Asian tea (Ceylon, & Assam)

St. Petersburg
(Chá preto, bergamota, frutos vermelhos e caramelo – Black tea , bergamot, red fruits and caramel)

Organic Darjeeling Nº37
(Chá preto dos himalaias – Himalayan black tea)

Kashmir Tchai
(Chá preto e especiarias – Black tea and spices)

Russian Morning
(Mistura de chás pretos Asiáticos (Assão, Yunnan e Ceilão) – Blend of black Asian tea (Ceylon, Yunnan & Assam)

Chá verde – Green tea

BB Detox
(Chá verde, mate, roibos e toranja – Green tea, maté, rooibos and grapefruit)

Imperial Label
(Chá verde, cítrinos e especiarias – Green tea, citric and spices)

Spearmint green tea
(Chá verde da China, aroma de hortelã nanah – Chinese Green tea with nanah spearmint)

Seleção de infusões – Selection of infusions

Chá Kusmi: (sem cafeina – Caffeine free) 6.00€
Rooibos & Vanilla
Be Cool
(infusão de hortelã e lucia-lima – infusion of mint and Verbana)

Chá Ahmad / Lipton 5.00€
Earl Grey
Earl Grey descafeinado – Earl Grey decaff
English Breakfast
Camomila - Camomile
Tília – Linden
Lúcia-lima – Verbana
Hortelã-pimenta – Peppermint
Limão e gengibre – Lemon & ginger
Maça e canela – Apple & cinnamon
Cidreira – Melissa
Frutos vermelhos – Red Fruits

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