Dias da Música 2018
On April 21st and from the 26th through the 29th of April, the CCB (Centro Cultural de Belém) hosts another edition of “Dias da Música”.
This year's edition is inspired by the disturbing and fantastic world of Hieronymus Bosch's paintings.
Hieronymus Bosch, was a Dutch painter and engraver of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Many of his works portray scenes of sin and temptation, using complex, original, imaginative and caricaturist symbolic figures, many of which were obscure even in his time.
The disturbing, fantastic world in this Flemish master’s paintings is on display at the festival, which is presented as a Triptych - a form favored by Bosch – and seeks to realize the plurality of readings it is possible to make through his work. The program for the event includes a number of concerts and an entire day, April 21st, dedicated to young talents, who will introduce some of the best assemblies of young musicians.
Discover here the complete program of the "Dias da Música 2018"